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Device Advice


We begin where Apple ends.

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2909 Waialae Ave. MB #25
Honolulu, HI, 96826
support at pacifitec dot com
(808) 268-6000


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I’m Andrew + I love Macs!


As a 20-year+ veteran administrator of Apple® tech in the creative workplace including assembling educational computer labs on Oahu, servicing small businesses and artists throughout Hawaii, developing websites across the Pacific, and building image-rich databases for multi-million dollar studios on the mainland, I can assure you that Apple provides the easiest, most cost effective, and secure user experience of any platform.

As a member of the international MacAdmins community and the Apple Business program, I provide independent specialist support using the industry’s best practices and latest information to make sure your operation is running smoothly.

And as a long-time Honolulu transplant with family ties to the islands going back over 60 years, I believe the local way of bringing a helpful, patient smile to working with neighbors and visitors alike is so important that I knew there could be no better name for my business than Pacifitec.


Pacifitec Cares ❤️

Pacifitec takes your health, COVID, and airborne pathogens seriously.

We encourage two-way masking and HEPA purification for all indoor consultations.

Please feel free to ask for accommodations including tele-support visits.

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